Multiple free encounters & more giveaways
Wyrmworks Publishing Wyrmworks Publishing
Helping you make lives better through Tabletop Roleplaying Games

Hi {name}!

I always say, “Don’t complain if you don’t have a better idea and are willing to do what you can to make it better.”

While I’ve learned that, “…what you can…,” are important words in that sentence, we believe we can change the world one tabletop at a time, and we’re so thankful that you have joined us in that effort, each of us doing what we can.

Today is a “change the world” day, a historic moment.

Never in history have people with experiences like Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, and dwarfism (the real-world kind) had representation in fantasy miniatures to use in D&D and other tabletop games.

Until today.

We just launched Limitless Champions, the largest, most diverse collection of disabled fantasy miniatures ever created. And we would love your support.

The Kickstarter page has a downloadable sample with a free figure and other gifts, and if you back it within the first 48 hours, you’ll get an extra free figure. Check out the campaign page for all the details!

And we have another gift for you, too, a free encounter with 2 new creatures! But first…

Silent but Deadly: A Limitless Champions Adventure. Background: library shelves with large window, golden sunset streaming in
Free Encounter: Silent but Deadly
Join Rohna Ginnsley, a bard with a four-armed wheelchair, in a magical library where silence is the key to success. But when a group of goblins steals a valuable tome, the party must investigate and stop them before they summon a dangerous ooze. (Including 2 new monsters!) Then keep reading for even more free encounters below!
Free Download
Projects We Love (Here's those encounters!)
Barbarian fighting a remorhaz: Amazing Encounters & Quests Kickstarter.

Speaking of new (free!) encounters and Kickstarter campaigns, our friends at CZRPG are also launching a Kickstarter today! (And they have several free encounters in their sample download on the campaign page!)


Amazing Encounters & Quests is a 5e supplement that aims to help you save prep time and impress your players. With a total of 36 detailed encounters, each with its own map (36 maps total), you get ready-to-use encounters that you can use to fill your adventures and campaigns whenever you find yourself lacking time. Most encounters are targeted at Tiers 1 and 2, though a few are for higher Tiers of play.


Go get the free encounters, then back the project!

Thanks for your support!



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Wyrmworks Publishing
183 Muriel Blvd. St Paul, MN 55118