I have a single-question checkbox survey for your thoughts
Wyrmworks Publishing Wyrmworks Publishing
Helping you make lives better through Tabletop Roleplaying Games

Hi {name}!

Do you ever find yourself in a dungeon where you suspect everything, especially chests, of being mimics?

When we launched the Limitless Heroics Kickstarter, I got a lot of furious emails, to the point that the “new mail” chime on my phone made me nauseous. The rejection sensitivity that accompanies my ADHD made it worse.

Meanwhile, several TTRPG podcasts that cover Kickstarters mentioned us, and I had a search that notified me when the title appeared in a podcast’s show notes. I was shoveling heavy snow as I skimmed through them for mentions, and as I skipped to about the spot where I estimated the coverage would be, I heard the hosts criticizing the product, and I couldn’t bear it. I deleted it.

Recently, one of the hosts expressed open support for our work on social media, which surprised me, so I went back and listened to the episode. It turned out that what I heard wasn’t about us, and when I found the coverage of Limitless Heroics, their only response was, “That’s cool!” So for a year and a half, I had negative feelings that had no basis, at least not in that corner of reality. 

I left a treasure chest closed for fear that it was a mimic.

While you may not have had a similar experience, everyone experiences fear and dread. And that fear can drive you to avoid new experiences and opportunities.

You could open 100 doors in a dungeon, but the first one that’s trapped will leave you wary of every door after. I let those dozens of negative messages influence the hundreds of positive ones.

But when I live in hope instead of fear, my perspective changes, I’m happier, and the negative isn’t as bad. So I encourage you to fight fear with hope.

But Eldritch Blast only works on creatures, so if you’re worried the chest is a mimic, that’s how you test for it—it won't affect actual chests.

1-Question Survey

As we plan our next Kickstarter, we have a 1-question (Checkbox, no long answers needed!) survey and would appreciate your feedback.

Answer One Question

Community Copies

Thanks to our Patreon members and other donations, we were able to add 28 copies of the Limitless Heroics Coloring Book and 27 copies of Limitless Heroics to our Community Copies program, a total of $1,220 worth of products!


If you would like a copy and can't afford one, or if you can support this program, follow the appropriate link below!

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Excitement in the Lair!
Tales of the Valiant logo

We made the cut and will be included in the Tales of the Valiant Labyrinth!

Andovir: High fantasy accesspunk world that accounts for disabled and neurodivergent beings throughout its design and architecture

And we have some exciting news about Andovir coming, so watch here for updates.


Meanwhile, our Patreon, the place to access Andovir updates as they come, now has a free 7-day trial, so you can check out all the content there so far, including the Limitless Champions entries!

Veritas Cadell
Rivaan Linxakasendalor
Ollie Dragao
Jaydrey Forewood

Thanks for your support!



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