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Wyrmworks Publishing Wyrmworks Publishing
Helping you make lives better through Tabletop Roleplaying Games

Hi {name}!

In this update:

  • How TTRPGs build the future
  • Heterotopia & Rare Conditions
  • Disabled Minis Available + August Sale Prices
  • Build a 5e Sky Ship

What do you love most about TTRPGs? To me, they are the perfect blend of social interaction within a storytelling framework that gives a sense of accomplishment.

So as I was listening to this sermon about the power of stories this weekend, it resonated with me and the goals of our community. I thought about how we use stories with characters that break tropes and defy ableist expectations. Those fantasy stories make people more aware of the reality around them. Worlds with built-in accessibility raise awareness of the inaccessibility of the real world and the ease of improving real-world accessible spaces and attitudes.

Because it’s possible, not like, “Colonizing Mars might be possible,” but, “Porous indoor walls reduce echoes and make spaces more welcoming to the hard of hearing or those with noise sensitivity and makes things better for everyone.”

Thanks for making more people welcome in all worlds.

Heterotopia: Rearranging the Party

When a D&D party determines marching order, they tend to follow the same strategies. Paladins and Barbarians in the front. Wizards in the back. Rogues…hey! Where did the rogue go?! Each party member knows how to operate in their position and tends to function best that way.

Grey Matter Heterotopia (hetero: different; topia: place) is like a party with the Barbarian in the middle, the wizard in front, and the rogue riding on the warlock’s shoulders — the different sections of grey matter in the brain are in atypical locations, like one of those sliding tile puzzles that I can never solve. It’s extremely rare and has a wide range of expressive traits, including developmental disabilities, seizures, motor differences, and more. And it directly affects my family.

Yesterday was World Periventricular Nodular Heterotopia Awareness Day. Rare conditions like this present challenges, besides all the cultural inaccessibility that accompanies invisible disabilities, due to their rarity. They have little research funding, no cultural awareness, and if a mainstream media production ever includes a character with it that’s not a documentary about the condition, I’ll eat my dice.

So I mention it today to raise a little more awareness, to make the world a little more accessible, and to let all of you affected directly or indirectly by a rare condition that you belong. You’re important. And while your condition is rare in the world and makes your lived experience different, that’s also true of Draconic Ancestor Sorcerers, so you’re in good company.

Projects We Love
2 fantasy airships in combat. Launching August 8th. Early bird special. Big discounts on all Kickstarter tiers only available for the first 24 hours after we launch!

The recent Spelljammer Box Set got a lot of negative reviews due to its limited ship combat rules, and ship combat in a 3D space is even more complicated. So I’m thrilled that Homie and the Dude just launched (no pun intended, but it makes me smile anyway) Sky Zephyrs, an airship supplement for 5e.


Unlike Spelljammer, this one will be publicly playtested and revised. And it offers a website to build your own airships with all the necessary stats and costs like racing videogames that let you customize your vehicle. Very cool. And of interest to our fans, the sampler includes disability representation with a nonverbal monk.


Grab the preview and back the campaign (already funded!) to take your 5e game to a new level!

Thanks for your support!



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183 Muriel Blvd. St Paul, MN 55118