We’re committed to creating resources that accurately and respectfully represent individuals with disabilities, neurodiversity, and mental illnesses, and we’re excited to invite our email subscribers to work with us as consultants. Your experiences and expertise are invaluable in helping us create products that truly reflect the real-world experiences of those with disabilities, neurodiversity, and mental illnesses.

We will respect your privacy and keep all shared information confidential.

Please fill out the form below to apply to be a consultant on one of our upcoming projects.

Consultant Application Form

Thanks for your interest in consulting for Wyrmworks Publishing! Please fill out the form below to apply!

I identify as disabled, neurodivergent, and/or mentally ill and am willing to use my experiences to consult with a representative from Wyrmworks Publishing on their products.
The disability, neurodivergent condition, or mental illness you would like to consult on. Share as little or as much as you want for now.
Optional field to provide any relevant professional training or experience you may have
How long have you been playing? Do you have any professional credits?
Provide any additional information about yourself or your experiences that you think may be relevant
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