Below is a sneak peek of this content! The party arrives in the burg in order to help solve the mysterious disappearance of the lord. The residents have a small informal council that gathers from time to time at the Brawler’s …Continue reading →
Below is a sneak peek of this content! Content Trigger Warnings This adventure includes betrayal, death, violence, and an injury that results in permanent disability. Something stinks in Gutter Town! A missing noble has led to the fall of a …Continue reading →
Below is a sneak peek of this content! Medium humanoid (), lawful good Armor Class 11 Hit Points 17 Speed 30 ft. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) Skills Arcana +5, History …Continue reading →
Below is a sneak peek of this content! For our Wyrmling Patrons, besides access to our Discord and The Dragon’s Lair, we have more treasures and gifts: (All of the combat maps from our Accessible Adventure of the Week series …Continue reading →
Below is a sneak peek of this content! Belmaia aka Bell () Medium humanoid (), chaotic good Cisgender woman, she/her Armor Class 10 Hit Points 33 Speed 30 ft. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) …Continue reading →
Below is a sneak peek of this content! For our Dragon Egg Patrons, besides access to our Discord and The Dragon’s Lair, we have more treasures and gifts: (All of the combat maps from our Accessible Adventure of the Week …Continue reading →
Below is a sneak peek of this content! Potion, common This white minty potion changes the color of all bones, including teeth, of the drinker to bright white for 1d100 minutes…. To view this content, you must be a member …Continue reading →
Below is a sneak peek of this content! Wondrous Item, uncommon These adamantite crutches attach to the forearms and can be extended on command, planting themselves in the ground and lifting you up to 100 feet, allowing you to easily …Continue reading →
Below is a sneak peek of this content! Wondrous Item, common This mask covers the mouth and lower jaw, and once per day for 1 hour, it can cast an illusion of a typical mouth, moving and speaking as if …Continue reading →
Below is a sneak peek of this content! Wondrous Item, uncommon This bycocket hat (made famous by Robin Hood) has 3 charges per day, each charge lasting 1 hour. When used, it causes all who look at you to see …Continue reading →