Eilwynn Ilaras Printable Miniature STL

figure of Fem elf in dress, sitting on stump holding leafy staff,

Eilwynn Ilaras is a high elf druid who struggles with anxiety and worrying about the future. Her anxiety manifests as periodic episodes of panic and nervousness, which affect her concentration and ability checks. She overcomes these episodes by using breathing and grounding exercises with her staff or by shifting into her preferred wild shape of a wolf. Each figure comes pre-assembled on a base for effortless use, and you have the option to print in both 40mm and 28mm scales, with both sizes supported and unsupported for easy 3D printing.

Dread Printable Miniature STL

figure of tiefling with a raven on one horn, wearing a brown cloak and holding a white staff with a red tip

Dread is a blind tiefling warlock with a raven on one horn. They have learned to navigate the world without sight, compensating with other senses. Dread has difficulty forming relationships and trusts no one, but will help others if they perceive an opportunity to do so. Each figure comes pre-assembled on a base for effortless use, and you have the option to print in both 40mm and 28mm scales, with both sizes supported and unsupported for easy 3D printing.

Donna Nason Printable Miniature STL

A femme-presenting dwarf in a wheelchair with a big double-bladed axe

Donna Nason is a fierce Barbarian and a quadriplegic dwarf with black tattoos around her eyes, and she has three diagonal slash scars on her face. She has long rainbow hair on one side and a shaved head on the other. Donna wields a large bloody double-bladed axe while sitting in a rugged wheelchair. To help her move around and fight, she has a special wheelchair accessory called the “Wheelchair Ram”. Each figure comes pre-assembled on a base for effortless use, and you have the option to print in both 40mm and 28mm scales, with both sizes supported and unsupported for easy 3D printing.

Brace Printable Miniature STL

figure of half-orc in platemail with yellow accents, round shield strapped to handless right arm, ring hanging from necklace, 2 handaxes hanging on belt, embossed arms on breastplate

Brace is a half-orc cleric who is missing his right hand due to amputation. He wears platemail with yellow accents and has a round shield strapped to his handless arm. He also wears a ring that dispels his doubts and insecurities about his self-worth. Brace has a unique ability called Better Together, which allows him to strengthen his friends by creating a magical connection among them for 10 minutes. Brace struggles with intrusive thoughts about his own self-worth, especially related to his sense of masculinity and being worthy of love. Each figure comes pre-assembled on a base for effortless use, and you have the option to print in both 40mm and 28mm scales, with both sizes supported and unsupported for easy 3D printing.

Aderyn Lloyd Printable Miniature STL

figure of rogue in hood with spiked shoulders, sitting in a wheelchair, holding cartography tools

Aderyn Lloyd is a half-elf rogue with fibromyalgia and other invisible disabilities, represented by their figure in a wheelchair. They are a skilled cartographer and love to explore and map out new places. Aderyn has a quick wit and is always ready for a challenge, whether it’s a physical one or a mental puzzle to solve. They have a rebellious streak and are not afraid to go against authority if they feel it’s necessary. Aderyn is fiercely loyal to their friends and will go to great lengths to protect them. They have a love for adventure and excitement but also value their independence and autonomy. Each figure comes pre-assembled on a base for effortless use, and you have the option to print in both 40mm and 28mm scales, with both sizes supported and unsupported for easy 3D printing.

Time Is of the Essence

Time Is of the Essence cover: Time storm image

Time is running out!

In this New Year’s Eve adventure, you’ll find yourself at the Castle of Lord Remington, a wealthy historian obsessed with time and immortality. When you arrive, you’ll find the guests at the castle’s grand New Year’s Eve gala frozen in time, suspended in mid-movement and conversation, and it’s up to you to investigate and stop Lord Remington from stealing their time to extend his own life.

As you navigate the castle, you’ll encounter strange time aberrations and enemies, as his time manipulation experiments have caused time on the castle grounds to fluctuate and warp, and you’ll have to use your wits and skills to overcome them.

The adventure culminates in a showdown with Lord Remington and his clockwork constructs, where you’ll have to use your best tactics to defeat him and restore time to its proper course.

With challenging encounters and exciting gameplay, this adventure is perfect for 3-5 players with levels 11-13.

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Limitless Heroics: Including Characters with Disabilities, Mental Illness, and Neurodivergence in Fifth Edition

Book & Kindle displaying cover: As our heroes fight the hydra, we see just some of the variety of symptoms represented in this book. The paladin has a prosthetic arm to assist with their amputation. The barbarian rages from their wheelchair, providing mobility for their paralyzed legs. The ranger, whose body is more accustomed to an aquatic environment just as someone in the real world may be more comfortable in a quieter or darker sensory environment, finds ways to compensate and keep fighting. The wizard’s vitiligo may not be thought of as a disability, nor should it be, yet many in the real world experience severe discrimination due to unusual skin pigment — how many celebrities, corporate executives, or politicians do you know with visibly irregular skin?

When you play a tabletop role-playing game like 5e, you want to be the hero. The world is different for you having been there, better. What if you could make the real world better by playing an RPG?! That’s what Limitless Heroics is all about. Limitless Heroics is the most comprehensive disability compendium ever created for a Tabletop Role-Playing GameFor Fifth Edition, it provides:

  •  450+ Traits: Game mechanics for nearly every condition or trait in existence (plus some fantasy traits, because that’s what you should expect in a world with magic) with 4 Impact Extents, and 6 Frequencies. With 1–6 traits per character (or more), that’s 64,800+ combinations with the option to add more.
  •  78 Random tables to choose or generate the traits, their Impact Extent, and their frequency
  •  200+ New Magic Items and an online random generator for thousands more! Nearly every trait includes mundane and magic assistive options.
  •  4 New Monster Stat Blocks because sometimes, the disability or assistive device is a creature.
  •  6 New Spells because sometimes, assistance comes from a spellbook
  • Service animals designed as classes (similar to sidekicks)
  • 50 Example NPCs, fully illustrated, ready to use
  • A one-shot adventure
  •  Thousands of real world examples so players can learn more and better represent the traits
  •  Tutorials: Opening articles discuss how and why to implement these options, how to discuss it with your players, and common tropes to avoid. You have all the tools here to run an inclusive campaign.

Our website will have a free random generator to simplify determining character traits, but you’ll need the book for the descriptions and mechanics, or you can use the included tables to choose or roll manually.

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We talked to dozens of people with diverse conditions to make sure our game mechanics represented their experiences before writing it, and over 900 people looked at the manuscript draft, and we got 90 pages of feedback from their experiences!

All writers, editors, and artists hired for this book are disabled, neurodivergent, and/or have mental or chronic illness.

Book Accessibility

  • Dyslexia-friendly layout
  • PDF, ePub, and plain text versions
  • Fully screen reader accessible
  • Indexed audio version included with every digital purchase

About the Players Edition

The Players Edition of Limitless Heroics includes everything in the full book except the adventure, magic items, and NPCs, reducing the size and associated costs by 346 pages. If you plan to use these resources in settings where you need multiple copies (e.g. schools, clinics, community organizations, etc.), this will save you some money.

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