Get a #DnD Adventure for only $1!
What’s the most unstoppable monster in any D&D game? The tarrasque? An ancient red dragon? Nope.
Throughout its entire history, what monster has wiped out more parties than any other, through every edition?
Nothing can TPK an adventuring party before it even sets out like the dreaded Schedule! (Mwah-hah-hah…yeah, I know. It’s so deadly, it’s not even funny.) Trying to coordinate 4–6 schedules and find a time that works for everyone consistently is a feat that few with outside responsibilities ever gain.
And even when you can set something up, what do you do when three players have to cancel at the last minute?
Imagine a magic item so powerful that it can give you advantage against such a powerful foe! Introducing…
Ready-to-Roll Adventure
Wondrous item, Common
This adventure has 1 charge. While carrying it, you can expend the charge as an action to start an adventure with the 1 or 2 players who could still make it. The adventure regains its charge every time you’re with a different player.
That’s right — a one-shot adventure for a DM and 1–2 players that’s designed to require no prep. You can carry it on your phone, as a pamphlet, or as a card deck in your pocket, ready to play for characters of level 1–4! The adventure includes quick reference tools to help the DM keep track of NPCs and other details. And you can get the whole adventure for only $1!
The First in a Series
The first Ready-to-Roll Adventure, Feyweather Friends, launches on Kickstarter this spring. Mix an invasion of new aberrant Far Realm nasties with fey creatures, and you’re sure to have a great time instead of calling it off and going home!

And of course, like all of our work, this adventure is designed for inclusivity.
Ready-to-Roll Adventures are also ideal when:
- Your kids want to play D&D, and you have some time but didn’t have a chance to prep anything for them.
- You’re waiting for a flight, a bus, or in line for concert tickets.
- You learn that the person next to you on the plane is also a D&D player!
- You want to play during a lunch break, a free hour between classes, or another last-minute opportunity.
- Someone learns that you play D&D and asks you what it is.
Available Extras
If you play online, we’ll have FoundryVTT and Roll20 versions ready.
If you like handouts and other extras so you don’t have to sacrifice a deluxe gaming experience, we’ll have that available as well!
Sign up to get notified when it goes live, and be the hero that saves your party!
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