Below is a sneak peek of this content! Gaks Yellowbelly () Small Humanoid (), Neutral Good Cisgender male (he/him) Armor Class: 16 Hit Points: 66 Speed: 30 ft. Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) …Continue reading →
Below is a sneak peek of this content! Larin Goodhand () Small humanoid (lightfoot ), Chaotic Good Cisgender man (he/him) Armor Class: 13 Hit Points: 40 Speed: 25 ft. Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 5 (-3) 15 (+2) 10 …Continue reading →
Below is a sneak peek of this content! Kei’ain () Medium Humanoid (), Lawful Good Cisgender man (he/him) Armor Class: 14 Hit Points: 30 Speed: 30 ft. Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 13 …Continue reading →
Below is a sneak peek of this content! Intentional () Medium humanoid (), Chaotic Good Cisgender male (he/him) Armor Class: 11 Hit Points: 15 Speed: 30 ft. Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 8 (-1) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 16 …Continue reading →
Below is a sneak peek of this content! Fiorabelle the Untouchable () Small Humanoid (), Chaotic Good Cisgender woman (she/her) Armor Class: 15 Hit Points: 42 Speed: 25 ft. Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 14 …Continue reading →
Below is a sneak peek of this content! Evard Dale () Medium Humanoid (), Lawful Good Cisgender man (he/him) Armor Class: 16 Hit Points: 52 Speed: 30 ft. Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 10 (+0) 20 (+5) 16 (+3) …Continue reading →