A simple act that can make a big difference
Wyrmworks Publishing Wyrmworks Publishing
Helping you make lives better through Tabletop Roleplaying Games

Hi {name}!

In this update:

  • A wizard's view on the unexpected
  • Last chance on a great bundle
  • Get treasures in the Lair
  • Missed out on these?
  • A chilling RPG just in time for Halloween
Look Up

One of the players in my last campaign played a wizard who always looked up when entering a new place. (The one time he didn’t, a Darkmantle dropped on him. We laughed about the irony for a long time.)

One month ago, our entire family moved to a new place, Leadville, Colorado, the highest city in North America (10,200 ft.). Because we wanted to get here early enough to get our kids registered and ready for school, we only had a few weeks to pack up a house where we’d lived for a decade, which meant all-night packing sessions (I learned that I begin to hallucinate after 48 hours without sleep!), immense stress, and physical side effects from pushing ourselves to get everything done in time.

Once we moved, it wasn’t quite as bad, since we didn’t have as many deadlines, but living out of boxes while we figure out where to unpack everything while establishing local accounts and services and learning a new community and culture has had its own new stresses. And it’s easy to feel buried under all of that.

But then I looked up. I took this photo from our front yard. 

a mountain landscape with trees in the foreground and a blue cloudy sky

That’s the view in all directions but south. It’s beautiful. Since we’re still adjusting a bit to the altitude, one might even call it “breathtaking.” And it’s always there.

It can be so easy to focus on the immediate stresses right in front of us and feel overwhelmed. But what happens when you look up? Maybe you don’t have the spectacular view that I do, but maybe you have a quiet corner in your home or community where you can retreat for a short rest. Maybe there are people around you who love you. Maybe there's a song or a piece of art that gives you some bardic inspiration. Maybe you have a D&D game soon.

That’s not to say that, “Look on the bright side” makes everything better. Pain is still pain. But it can offer perspective, renew your energy, or even remind you that you have people or other gifts that can help you get through whatever dungeon you’re in.

Life is a grand adventure, filled with twists and turns, highs and lows. It's easy to get caught up by Darkmantles and forget to look at the bigger picture. But when we pause to appreciate the beauty around us, the support of our loved ones, and the opportunities that await, we can get some temporary hit points to press on.

So, as you embark on your own adventures, look up. What do you see? What inspires you? What challenges are you facing? I'd love to hear your stories.

Still Available!

Speaking of mountains, if you didn't get this bundle yet, it's still available for a little while longer, including our coastal mountain city supplement, Stoneharbor! And as promised, we just added full audio narration to Stoneharbor for better accessibility.

New Treasures in the Lair

You can also access Stoneharbor and thousands of other resources in the Lair by supporting us on Patreon. Here are the latest entries:

Did you miss any of these recent products?
Stoneharbor | Andovir Atlas
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Ascent to the Depths of Dread
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Limitless Champions Gold Collection
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Projects We Love
Interrupted Interment, vampire holding parasol, skeleton in pirate clothes

Interrupted Interment


Halloween is coming quickly! Looking for a great new 5e adventure for Level 5 characters to get your spook on?

Imagine waking up and slowly discovering that you're undead! You have to learn about your former life while saving your village, all while avoiding terrorizing the village with your existence!

This campaign features four unique undead types, each with their own illustrated character sheets. Walk through walls as a ghost, weaponize your zombie stench, heal yourself with the blood of your foes as a vampire, or disassemble and rebuild yourself as a skeleton!

This Kickstarter campaign comes from Erin Anderson, a writer/artist who lives with anxiety/depression and who has done more art for us than any other artist. She's a fantastic human being and extremely creative.

This is some guaranteed fun and something different from the typical zombie hunt.

Bring this project to life… or undeath!

Thanks for your support!



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317 Mt Columbia Dr Leadville CO 80461