Limitless Heroics: The Coloring Book


We used the amazing art from Limitless Heroics to create a coloring book for all ages!


Tabletop Roleplaying Games like Dungeons & Dragons are great equalizers: people of all ages and abilities can play together, cooperatively. What else can do that? Coloring books! So we used the amazing art from Limitless Heroics to create a coloring book for all ages!

48 images include fantasy characters, assistive devices, and service animals.

How does a coloring book make lives better?

* People like me with ADHD may benefit from coloring to help keep focused during games and other times, and D&D-related coloring books are rare.
* Put this in a child’s hands, and you instantly normalize disabled heroes in their lives.
D&D is for everyone, and so is artistic expression!
* The pages include quotes from disabled, neurodiverse, and mentally & chronically ill people to teach about their experiences and accessibility.
* 🎒Service Owlbears🦉 are adorable.

The book also includes a local site license for copying, so schools, clinics, local game groups, and FLGSs can print or copy coloring pages for their local events, clients, and fellow players.

Additional information

Weight 0.3351029118679342 lbs
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × .25 in


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