Showing 1–16 of 21 results
Zilji Larka Printable Miniature STL
$4.99 Add to cart Buy nowZilji Larka Printable Miniature STL
Rock gnome wizard with ectrodactyly, missing fingers, uses Mage Hand and humor to challenge people’s expectations.
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Veritas Cadell Printable Miniature STL
$4.99 Add to cart Buy nowVeritas Cadell Printable Miniature STL
Tiefling rogue with spastic diplegia cerebral palsy, uses forearm crutches for mobility and adapts somatic components for spellcasting.
$4.99 -
Veralynn Sweetbriar Printable Miniature STL
$4.99 Add to cart Buy nowVeralynn Sweetbriar Printable Miniature STL
High elf druid with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, using a wheelchair and assistive devices to manage symptoms.
$4.99 -
Rork Printable Miniature STL
$4.99 Add to cart Buy nowRork Printable Miniature STL
Red kobold with panic disorder, fiddles with a wicker ball to cope with anxiety, prefers the calming forest over loud and busy places.
$4.99 -
Rivaan Linxakasendalor Printable Miniature STL
$4.99 Add to cart Buy nowRivaan Linxakasendalor Printable Miniature STL
Blue dragonborn ranger with diastrophic dysplasia, uses a wheeled sled for mobility and carries weapons for combat.
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Precision Printable Miniature STL
$4.99 Add to cart Buy nowPrecision Printable Miniature STL
Tiefling Monk with cerebral palsy, uses feet for unarmed attacks and tail to load hand crossbow.
$4.99 -
Orrelius Printable Miniature STL
$4.99 Add to cart Buy nowOrrelius Printable Miniature STL
Blind human paladin with braille book and magic staff, a formidable warrior and healer.
$4.99 -
Lechlun Adarian Printable Miniature STL
$4.99 Add to cart Buy nowLechlun Adarian Printable Miniature STL
Human wizard with Treacher Collins Syndrome, underdeveloped facial features, and wields Oblivion manipulation for powerful spells.
$4.99 -
Naiara Trevica Printable Miniature STL
$4.99 Add to cart Buy nowNaiara Trevica Printable Miniature STL
Human fighter with ulnar drift arthritis in her hands, uses compression gauntlets and weapon brace, known for her skills and reputation as a skilled warrior.
$4.99 -
Jaydrey Forewood Printable Miniature STL
$4.99 Add to cart Buy nowJaydrey Forewood Printable Miniature STL
Halfling sorcerer with cleft palate, skilled herbalist, and orphaned during a plague, saved by a silver-haired woman.
$4.99 -
Hadarai Liadon Printable Miniature STL
$4.99 Add to cart Buy nowHadarai Liadon Printable Miniature STL
Nonbinary (fae/faer/faerself) elf with alopecia areata, hairless figure wearing a gold headband and carrying a rapier. Presents with quiet confidence or loud presence.